Monday, November 28, 2011

"Joy to the World" is blasting from my radio and its Christmas time creeping in again. I look back on the last 9 months and I thank God because if not for him I would not have come this far. I know now that I need to keep looking ahead not back. I wish I could turn back the clock and rectify all the mistakes we made but there is no going back on the road. Its a time for moving ahead, a time for forgiving and enjoy the good that we see. I am at peace at last. I can put away my sadness now. But that does not mean I give up hoping. When there is a God who loves us, there is always hope. I am so blessed in what I have. I m richly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved . There is so much more for me ahead and I anticipate each day with eagerness. I am for signs and wonders!
Thank you Lord!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Been such a long time since I wrote. Too lazy or just could not put into words what I was thinking. Brain Freeze I think. Well I have some wonderful testimonies. Firstly while in England, I spoke to God one night. I asked him to get me a job. I was specific. I told him I wanted to work in a Christan Organization or a ministry but I needed a salary too. I asked him to let me rest for a week on my return before I would start work. He did just that. I now work for a Christian NGO and I see his work and his love just enfolding everyday before my eyes. Is he not just AWESOME! I believed that he would get me the job I wanted. I sent an email, within half hour I called for an interview and subsequently got the job. Now listen to this... The interview was some place I had never been before. Can you believe I found the Office easily. I was led by the Holy Spirit. If you know the Jesus I serve and love you will believe me.
I am enjoying my work, working for this Man of God who is teaching me to be humble. I am awed when I see the power of God working. I am so humbled.
I am at peace, but sometimes I longs for the past. I grieve for those things past but time moves on and I look to new things. I know I am strong and Abba is with me always. When I feel tired and faint he will be there to hold me.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Created with Love

You're formed by God's hands,
dreamed up in His heart,
and placed in this world for a purpose.
There's no one else like you...
You're one of a kind, irreplaceable.
God has given you everything you need
and created you just as you need to be
to make a difference
in your own wonderful way.
So go for it, friend.
The world is waiting
and heaven is cheering you on.

--Excerpts from the new book God's Heart for You by Holley Gerth

Beautiful Inspiring worlds....

Monday, August 8, 2011

After an exciting and wonderful holiday, I came back full of expectation and promise.You See I prayed and asked the Lord for a job when I returned.I was very specific-I wanted a job in an NGO or christian organization. I wanted to work for the Lord.I believed that after I prayed that it was already done and God had a door opened for me.I went to London at peace and he ministered to me and gave me time to spend with him. It was such a restful holiday. Two weeks after I returned I got a job working for an outreach organization. I am amazed at the goodness of the Lord. He gave me what I asked for.Best of all I am in a "relationship" with my Lord.He is so real to me and my life is all about him. I wake up with him, I eat with him, stuck in a jam with him and he reveals things in his "word" that blows my mind away.Everyday I am constantly reminded of his Love and awesomeness. This great God loves me, me! can you imagine that!
You know what? he loves you too, if you will let him. Let his peace just come upon you today!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The best holiday ever! Beautiful days of beautiful countryside(my favourite) and even the days of just sitting at home, all tucked up and chatting were beautiful.There has been no stress, no tension, just days and days of peace and enjoyment. London city is a huge bustling city, so cosmopolitan that I am sure you can find every race in this city.What I loved most was the old houses, all cosy with beautiful flowers outside .The shops were awesome and so many beautiful things and fashion.Fashion as you have never seen it.Sheila and Val(my host and hostess)are absolutely beautiful people.I have learnt so much from them these past few weeks.They are a beautiful couple,simple yet classy and so warm.They have showered me with care and love and I am so blessed.Their love for each other is so apparent. They are completely relaxed with each,good teamwork(a must for a good marriage) and openness.I wish................Well I cannot turn back the clock.I look forward to going home, so much to do.Have to get on with my life.But I am truly blessed to have all so much.Thank you Lord

Monday, July 4, 2011

Still in London
My days here are so idyllic and peaceful.There is no rush and commotion which normally accompanies me and time goes by so smoothly. In fact some days I am so totally unaware of the time. Like it simply stands still.Wonderful days.The countryside is so beautiful and I love the houses. Sometimes I wish I could stop and have a quick peek inside their homes.Just curious.We went to Leeds Castle and it was simply awesome.I can imagine how it must be back in those times.The bedrooms and drawing rooms were so opulent but a little cold and formidable too.Kind of Erie but not in a frightening sense.The grounds were simply magnificent and there were times when you felt that a prince or something was going to come dashing around the corner on his horse.Wouldn't that have been something.I loved everything about it.Wish I could have spent the night there.That would have been something.Wonder if I would have slept at all.All those creepy corridors and winding steps all over the castle.But it was really something to see.Did I see my knight in shinning armour? Well not yet......anyway am going back for another visit.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Have been in London for a week now and have enjoyed every minute of it.You know I love country sides and where I am staying is so beautiful.It brings me so much peace and such a joy.I feel the Lord all around me.I thank him for making all this possible.I am seeing his grace everyday.When I had this awful gum infection, I cried out to him and he took it away.I had an IBS attack in the bus in London and he made it possible for me to reach Victoria station in time.Isn't our God just wonderful.Its summer but a cold rainy one but there is still so much to enjoy.From where I am sitting I can see a big bush of pink roses.The flowers here in summer are so beautiful.Which I could live here.But I thank God for allowing me to able to see all this.I just seem to sense his precence all around me, even right now.Sheila and Val are two lovely people.I am just wrapped up with so much of love and caring here.Thank my sister too for making all this possible too.I am so blessed to ave family like this.I am off to another great day in London

Sunday, May 8, 2011

CONTINUE ON... A Mother's Day Story

A woman once fretted over the usefulness of her life. She feared she was wasting her potential being a devoted wife and mother. She wondered if the time and energy she invested in her husband and children would make a difference. At times she got discouraged because so much of what she did seemed to go unnoticed and unappreciated.

It was during these moment of questioning that she heard the still, small voice of her heavenly Father speak to her heart.

You are a wife and mother because that is what I have called you to be. Much of what you do is hidden from the public eye but I notice. Most of what you give is done without remuneration. But I am your reward.

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24

-Excerpt from Roy Lessin, DaySpring co-founder and writer

Friday, May 6, 2011

Another year and another Mother's day has come.It has been a year of change.For me everyday is Mothers Day because we are Mothers 24/7.The most precious gift a women can receive is to be a Mother. Time with them is so precious and for all you working mums out there, I know how you feel when you have to leave them(especially when they are small) to go to work.I worked too all my kids growing up years, and at times I felt I have lost some precious moments with them because of that.I watched them grow up and go away to study and work.Would they keep in their hearts what I tried to teach them. Would they become good, kind and responsible adults, walking in the ways of God?Would they seek their heavenly Father to know the plans he has for them? I trust my children to the Lord and know he will take care and watch over them.For me I have a second chance with them and everyday being with them are memories I will keep forever.Just simple things like preparing breakfast for them in the mornings, folding their clothes, walking into their rooms after they have left,with their clothes scattered all over ,getting a hug from Melisa as she leaves for work are all memories I will keep in my heart always.I am blessed to have a wonderful daughter -in- law and the nights I spend with her when Shan flies are precious moments for me too.I see the love they have for each other and I know they will be great parents.
So this MOTHER is truly blessed and happy. Bless all you MOTHERS out there may you be as happy too. And if you are having problems with your kids, just hand them over to their heavenly Father and he will know what to do.You do not have to carry this burden alone for he loves them as well.Pray for them and after you pray thank God for the changes you see in them.It may be slow in coming(God timing not yours)but its coming and see that happening.

Monday, May 2, 2011

I Believe God Will Guide Me

In Your unfailing love You will lead the people You have redeemed. In Your strength You will guide them to Your holy dwelling. Exodus 15:13 NIV

I believe my life is in God's hands and keeping. I believe He has a plan and purpose for my life and that He is leading me in a path that will fulfill that plan and purpose. I believe it is a good plan, a right plan, and the best plan. I believe there is not a better, higher, or wiser way for me to live or way for me to follow. I believe God knows exactly what He is doing and that He will bring things into my life at the exact time they are needed. I believe He wants me to follow Him with praise on my lips for who He is, with thanks in my heart for what He does, and with obedience in my steps for what He asks me to do.
-Roy Lessin, DaySpring co-founder and writer

These are wonderful true words and roy lessin is such a gifted spiritual writer.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Have you ever listened to the song AMAZING LOVE? If you have not please please go listen to it. It is one of the ,most AMAZING christian songs ever written.It just speaks to your heart, releasing all the pain and bitterness, anger, unforgivness and just sets you free. When you are troubled, just listening to the song brings that peace and calm and his amazing love just fills you. Its like when Good friday comes and we remember all he suffered for us, we know that Sunday is coming and we will rise with him. That his amazing love for us.Could anybody do that for us? what he has done? Live in his AMAZING LOVE, enjoy his AMAZING LOVE and seek comfort in his AMAZING LOVE. Its all for you and me.

Monday, March 7, 2011

I am enjoying some of the most peaceful days I have known in a long while. I lost everything-my home,my marriage, my life in this sleepy town I loved, a life that grew on me and I thought that was enough.But God asked me to STEP OUT and this is what I did.I left all behind and "stepped out"But I was not alone and never felt I was. I knew God was with me every step of the way.He held my when I cried myself to sleep at night.WhenI was fearful, I felt his sweet presence comforting me and when I had nothing, he said I am going to build you up again, trust me. I see his goodness and grace every day and he has indeed supplied all my needs.I have this great apartment, that is surrounded by trees and in the morning I hear the birds sing outside my window.I worried about furnishing the apartment but again he stepped in and supplied all my needs.When I grew restless, he said to spend time with him reading his word. He has encouraged me through the time I spend with him. I had to come down to nothing to really acknowledge just how much I needed him. It was never about me but all about him. These are the best times of my life. He has also given me a second chance with the children. All their growing up years I was never there for them, having to work. I never cooked a meal for them and now I have a chance to do all that. The best time of my day is when we sit around the table for dinner. There is laughter and caring and so much of love.So very precious things and times in my life right now. Very precious memories. I do not know his next plan for me but I know he only has good plans and now I will savour these moments and rest in his presence. WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


A woman knelt in prayer and in anguish cried out to God
Dear Lord I can't compete in this world.I am just a simple woman.
I don't have perfect hair or perfect teeth,a perfect smile or
a perfect figure.I want so much to fit into this world that asks
for perfection.I want so much to be loved and appreciated and needed.
Oh God please do something! change me!
My dear child replied the Lord to me you are simply wonderful.
I accept you just as you are.I knew you even when you were in
your mother's womb.I have you engraved on the plam of my hand.
Each part of you was created in my image.And I am changing you daily.
But you see, I work differently from the world.I workfrom the inside out.
And deep within your heart, I see the beginning of PERFECTION..............

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Continue in the things that concern Him;
He will continue to take care of the things that concern you.

Continue to give Him all that is yours;
He will continue to give you all that is His.

Continue to wait upon Him;
He will continue to be faithful to you.

Continue to seek His highest;
He will continue to give you His best.

"Obey me, and I will be your God, and you will be my people. Do everything as I say, and all will be well!" Jeremiah 7:23 NLT

-Roy Lessin

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Gods plans are so different from ours. we do not always have to understand them, but just trust in him.Today I learnt that being depressed or fearful about our future is actually a sin against God.Because then we doubt him. I have been so strengthened by him theses last few days. Spending alot of time on my own has been so rewarding because I was not alone.He constantly filled my mind with his thoughts.Everyone should have a day when you switch off your phones, the t.v etc and sit before him to hear his voice. In that stillness you will hear his voice.
I wake up every morning in expectancy, expecting God's best for me. Its not that everything will be perfect, or there will be no storms, but that he will give me the power to make the best of that storm, that trial.I learn about his love for me everyday and I am so awed by it. I am at peace in spite of what goes on around me. I know he knows my greatest desire and in his time it will come to pass and someone so dear to me will be saved. I wait for that day when you realise how much God loves you and just how blessed you really are.