Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The best holiday ever! Beautiful days of beautiful countryside(my favourite) and even the days of just sitting at home, all tucked up and chatting were beautiful.There has been no stress, no tension, just days and days of peace and enjoyment. London city is a huge bustling city, so cosmopolitan that I am sure you can find every race in this city.What I loved most was the old houses, all cosy with beautiful flowers outside .The shops were awesome and so many beautiful things and fashion.Fashion as you have never seen it.Sheila and Val(my host and hostess)are absolutely beautiful people.I have learnt so much from them these past few weeks.They are a beautiful couple,simple yet classy and so warm.They have showered me with care and love and I am so blessed.Their love for each other is so apparent. They are completely relaxed with each,good teamwork(a must for a good marriage) and openness.I wish................Well I cannot turn back the clock.I look forward to going home, so much to do.Have to get on with my life.But I am truly blessed to have all so much.Thank you Lord

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