Monday, April 9, 2012

She is always angry and her eyes spew out sparks of anger when she talks to me. I look at her and silently weep inside. She does not trust me: well I did let her down so I do not blame her. What happened to my sweet little curly tops? Now adays she always filled with anger and impatience. I look at her and just hope she sees the love I have for her. I want to put my arms around her and hold her close but she would fight it. I can only keep repeating " I love you and I am here for you. I will always be here for you" I see she is in emotional pain and hurting. What I would not do for her, if only she will let me. Now she must come to me if she need help. I can only step back and watch her. I am doing the best thing I can for her- let her go, to make her own decisions, her own failures and her own successes. But I will never give up on her and I pray for her, calling on the Lord often in my day when I have a quiet moment. Holy Spirit 'Hover" over her. Be her friend and counsellor now. Jesus touch the very core of her hurting heart with your love and let her feel your presence in her life. Bring the joy of living with you, Jesus back into her life. I know His love for her has never changed and He holds her in the palm of his hand. She is the apple of his eye and He has her under the shadow of His wings.

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