Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Its another year over.Many things we should have done and did not. We wish we could perhaps have done things differently.But we cannot turn back the clock except to look forward. Do not fear about tomorrow, because it will come and go and Life will still go on. But never give up, never say I cannot. There are no limits to what you can do except the limits you put on yourself. So reach for the sky, dream big dreams and walk into the new year with confidence.God goes before you preparing the way. Trust him, even though you do not understand, even though you feel afraid, even though you think you just cannot go on anymore. THERE IS NO STRONGHOLD MY GOD CANNOT BREAK, NO MOUNTAIN MY GOD CANNOT MOVE, NO DISEASE MY GOD CANNOT HEAL AND NO MIRACLE MY GOD CANNOT WORK.
Go into the new year expecting God's best for you always. Walk in great expectation, miracles are yours because he is a miracle working God. Enjoy God's best for you. Praise him night and day, be faithful as he is faithful. God's favour is upon you and he will make you prosper in all your ways.
Isaiah 60:5-THE WEALTH OF THE GENTILES SHALL COME TO YOU. His glory will be seen in your life.

! look forward to the next year and receive God's blessings.

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