Thursday, September 18, 2008

Marriage is something pure and beautiful.It makes two as one and its such a deep intimate thing.How can some people take it so lightly and defile it. Its two heart coming together, joining two bodies as one. We let you into our bodies, our minds our thoughts and dreams.We let you into the deep recesses of our life where sometimes we fear to go alone. Now a fragile string holds our hearts together. It can break anytime and when it does our hearts go crashing down, broken into a million pieces. Well god is there to pick up those pieces and he painstakingly joins them together. Lovingly he holds the pieces in his hand and pieces our hearts back. Sometimes he will join that broken string that binds two hearts but then again, he sees so far ahead and knows that cannot be. We trust in him because he knows our hearts. He see our pain and catches every tear that falls. He makes you want to go on because only his love is unselfish and only he can bring that peace and happiness you crave for.

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