Wednesday, January 27, 2010

when we go to bed tonight what are we thinking of? What to wear tomorrow for work.Will my black shoes match my green blouse? Should I sweep the house before I go to work or shall I wait till I come home.? The most mundane of thoughts. Today I went to the funeral of a young man, who went to bed on Sunday night and never woke up at all. You see about 2am on Monday he just literally dropped dead. He was a gentle spirited young man with a passion for the God he loved. He served in the prison ministry for FGA and also worked with the shelter homes for children. He left behind his wife and little son. I did not know him that well, only having met him twice, but I found him to be of Gentle spirit and you could see he loved the Lord.
When he went to bed on Sunday, did he think he would never again see his wife and son, when he kissed his little boy good night, did he think it would be the last time.? He just went, no good byes, no fanfare, just quietly in the night. He went to the God he loved and who was waiting for him. I am sure he knew, that God would look after his family and he did not have to worry.At the funeral service there seem to be a quiet peace, for they knew where he had gone and who was with him. His wife and family knew he ran the race and fought the good fight and now he was safe and happy. He released all and just followed his Master.
So when you wake up tomorrow morning, thank the Lord for this new day and this new beginning, for everyday is a new beginning. Do not waste your time on petty things but make every minute count. Touch as many people as you can with God's amazing love and pass it on. Let people remember not who you were but what you left behind, that great legacy of love and hope.

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